There are primary and secondary pain sensations, each of which can be caused by a variety of conditions and diseases. In this article, we will try to consider only the most basic ones.
Nonspecific (primary). This type of pain is directly related to problems in the spine and surrounding tissues.
Causes of back pain related to the spine:
- Scoliosis. Violation of posture, which leads to gradual curvature of the spine, displacement of the vertebrae and muscle tension.
- Bone tumor. The reason for the development of the disease is a decline in the amortization capacity of the spine: damage to the discs, rupture of the annulus and consequent invasion of the disc nucleus. Pain is localized in the region of that part of the spine, in which there are pathological changes. So, with thoracic spondylosis, the back pain is localized in the chest area (back pain between the shoulder blades and below the ribs), with lumbar spondylosis, the patient will have pain in the lumbar region. .
- Disc herniation. Because the disc is damaged, the soft structures of the protruding vertebrae are likely to be compromised (normal herniation and compression). The pain is localized at the site of the hernia.
- Ankylosing spondylitis. It is characterized by back pain and limited mobility of the spine, resulting in a forced "forward-bending" posture in the patient.
- Bone marrow inflammation. The cause of the disease is an infectious process that has developed in the spine. The patient feels the pain not only covers the spine but also spreads to the muscles in the back.
- Injury to the spine. In this case, the cause of the back pain was trauma and its associated complications. The intensity of pain sensations and their localization are directly related to the type of injury and the affected part of the spine.
In 40-50% of cases, the cause of back pain is damage to the joints and ligaments of the spine (bone pain). 3-5% of other severe back pain cases are related to damage to the roots of the spinal cord (lensitis).
Back pain associated with pathological changes in the muscles:
- Fibromyalgia. The inflammatory process develops in the muscles surrounding the spine, is characterized by symmetry and can be chronic. In this case, the muscles of the back are sore along the entire spine. The point is that peak pain occurs when you press on certain places.
- Polymyositis. Hypothermia can cause illness. As a result of the development of the disease, the patient feels muscle weakness and pain, which increases when trying to turn the body.
- Polymyalgia rheumatica. The etiology of the disease is not clear. Infectious diseases that reduce immunity may be the trigger. It is manifested by pains that gradually increase with the development of the disease, capable of covering all parts of the back. Severe back pain impairs mobility to the point where the patient is unable to move independently. A clear asymmetry is visualized at the rear.
- Charcot's disease. Symptoms are caused by inflammation of the peripheral nerves along the spine. As a result of the pathological process, in addition to the rather intense pain, there is also a change in the patient's gait.
In 50-60% of cases of nonspecific low back pain, they are localized to the muscles.
Specific (secondary pain). This type of pain, although localized to the back, is usually not directly related to diseases of the surrounding spine or musculoskeletal system. The causes of specific pain are extremely diverse, but the most dangerous are oncological diseases. Therefore, pain radiating to the back may be due to a malignant tumor in the breast, lung or prostate region causing spinal metastases.
Diseases that cause specific pain include:
- Nerve root compression in the chest. Often this leads to the development of intercostal neuralgia. The pain in this case is localized to the site of compression. Therefore, intercostal neuralgia may present: Pain below the shoulder blade, back pain below the ribs (the pinched side). Soreness has a varying degree - from aching to sharp, shooting. Usually, pain syndrome occurs when moving or pressing on the affected area. This is in fact the key difference between intercostal neuralgia and diseases of the heart and lungs, which can also be manifested by pain under the left (or right) shoulder blade from behind.
- Digestive tract diseases. Usually they cause pain on the right side, in some cases it can also transfer to the left side of the body. Most of the pain is localized in the low back and lumbar region. Pain that is just strong enough is characteristic of diseases associated with pancreatic disease, colonic diverticulum, intestinal obstruction, and posterior appendicitis. . .
- Ulcers. Ulcerative lesions of the organs of the upper abdominal cavity (gastroduodenal and gastric ulcers) can manifest in the form of pain in the chest and lower back below the waist. If the lower part of the abdominal cavity is affected (ulcerative colitis), the pain is localized to the lower back. The degree of pain can vary, but it usually peaks at night.
- Appendicitis. In acute appendicitis, where the appendix (appendiceal) is located behind the cecum, the lower back hurts. The pain is variable in nature and can vary from aching, mild to sharp, intense.
- Kidney diseases. Quite often they are manifested by pain in the lumbar region. Such manifestations are characteristic of pyelonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis. Differentiation from diseases directly related to the spine occurs on the basis of analysis of other clinical manifestations and research results.
- Urinary stone disease. Renal colic, back pain in the lumbar region. The pain is sharp, intense, comes on suddenly and is independent of body position. Back pain in the lower back and accompanied by hydronephrosis. The manifestation of pain syndrome is mild intensity, the pain is quite painful in nature.
- Diseases of the female reproductive system and dysmenorrhea. In these cases, the pain is more often localized to the lower back.
- Tumors in the pulmonary system. In this case, the pain appeared at the stage when the lung was undergoing germination of peripheral tumor factors (metastasis) into the pleural area and chest wall. The nature of the pain is intense, debilitating.
- Heart-related diseaes. The most common causes of localized chest pain are myocardial infarction and stroke. As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by pain between the shoulder blades.
- Inflammatory process in joints. Infective arthritis can cause pain to radiate from the affected joint to nearby areas, including back pain.
For the most part, the causes of back pain are the same in both sexes, but it is important to mention a number of diseases that differ in terms of sexual orientation.
back pain in men
While the causes of back pain are mostly the same in both sexes, there are some conditions that men are more susceptible to because of their lifestyle.
Predisposing factors include:
- work involving lifting and carrying heavy loads;
- strength sports (including various martial arts, strength training, etc. );
- bad habits.
Therefore, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases are more likely to occur in men than in women.
The specific "male" diseases that can cause back pain are various pathologies of the prostate gland.
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. At the beginning of the disease, the pain syndrome is localized in the groin, scrotum and lower abdomen, but in the second stage and in cases of chronic disease, the pain spreads to the back.
The localization of the pain in this case can be concentrated in the back or spread to the entire back. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process affects the nerve endings, which envelop this organ in large numbers.
The intensity of the pain is directly related to the stage of the disease. So, in the acute phase, pain is characterized as acute and short-term. In the chronic form, the pain syndrome is indistinct and often permanent.
The diagnosis and treatment in this case is done by a urologist.
back pain in women
In some cases, back pain in women can be of a specific nature related to the features of the body and the processes taking place therein. First of all, we are talking about the reproductive sector.
As a rule, pain associated with gynecological diseases is localized in the chest and abdominal region. The most common reasons include:
- Menstrual cycle. During menstruation, a woman's hormones change, leading to the appearance of some negative manifestations. This is mainly due to a decrease in the level of progesterone, which causes the intensity of the pain threshold. Reducing the pain threshold leads to the fact that even minor pain sensations become more pronounced. In addition, hormonal changes lead to irritation of the intestinal wall and water retention, which increases the volume of some organs and as a result compresses the nerve endings of the lumbar spine. The combination of these factors causes the occurrence of back pain.
- Pregnancy. Low back pain in this case can be divided into two groups: First trimester pain. If the pain is accompanied by other symptoms (bleeding, fever, etc. ), we can talk about the risk of miscarriage. Pain in the second half of pregnancy. Usually, such pains are associated with physiological changes, namely: the active development of the fetus, which leads to a change in focus in the position of the body and the preparation of the frame. pelvis for the upcoming labor.
- Diseases of the reproductive system. Most of the pain is concentrated in the lower back, which is explained by the topography of the female reproductive organs. The most common causes of this painful syndrome presentation are ovarian cysts, adnexitis, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, etc. v.
- Menopause period. During menopause, dramatic and fluctuating changes in hormone levels occur. Such body restructuring leaves its mark on many systems of the female body. First of all, the affected skeletal system, under the influence of hormonal changes, becomes more fragile and susceptible to various diseases.
- Huge breasts. A large bust size, combined with poor supportive underwear, puts an extra load on the spine and as a result a woman suffers from back pain in the shoulder blades and lower back.
- High heels. Wearing high heels leads to a number of diseases related to pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system and back pain.
back pain due to coronavirus
Coronavirus infection affects many organs, but the lungs are the first to be affected. Therefore, often pain between the shoulder blades or below them is a sign of inflammation that has developed in the lung tissue. Depending on which lung is affected more, the person will feel pain under the left or right shoulder blade.
In addition to lung tissue damage, general intoxication and increased temperature, which can also cause pain (ache) in the back and limbs.
Back pain after coronavirus is explained by the fact that the disease can not only damage the nervous system, but also on the basis of a general decrease in immunity, chronic diseases, including internal organsand musculoskeletal system, aggravated.
Back pain after sleeping
The reasons why your back hurts after sleeping can be:
- work related to physical activity and weight lifting;
- low back muscle tone;
- disc herniation and osteonecrosis in history;
- prolonged hypothermia of the back;
- curvature of the spine, which leads to uneven muscle tension and contraction;
- excess body weight, which leads to an increased load on the back;
- stressful situations;
- bed is not comfortable.
The discomfort can be of varying intensity and occurs under the ribs, in the lower back, between the shoulder blades, and below them.
To eliminate the pain that appears after sleep, it is necessary to exclude all provoking factors and consult a doctor for treatment.
Back pain - which doctor should I contact?
The primary diagnosis of pain in the back region is made by a general practitioner. If necessary, a number of additional visits and consultations with highly specialized doctors may be indicated:
- neurologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- gynecologist;
- urologist;
- vascular researcher.
For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the patient's condition. For these purposes, your doctor may order some additional studies:
- Laboratory tests. Typically, this list includes general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, stool and, in some cases, hormone levels. These studies help to identify possible inflammatory and infectious processes. If you suspect certain diseases or a cancer component, your doctor may order some specific studies (biopsy, tumor markers, etc. ).
- Hardware research. They help to get a more visual picture of the course of the disease, which cannot be achieved by examination and palpation. X-ray, MRI, ultrasound are most commonly indicated.
Back pain treatment
For the purpose of standard treatment, in-house consultation of specialists is required. Therapy is selected strictly on the basis of diagnosis and taking into account the general condition of the patient. Self-treatment of back pain can make the disease worse or turn into a chronic stage.
Back pain prevention
The main preventive measures depend mainly on what exactly causes the appearance of back pain. General recommendations include:
- healthy lifestyle;
- complete and healthy nutrition;
- reasonable dosage of physical activity;
- timely treatment of identified diseases;
- regularly through preventive examinations, including by specialists of a narrow profile.