Pain in the joints of the fingers is a symptom of a number of diseases of different origins and levels that endanger the patient's health and normal activities in a public environment. The intensity of the pain depends on both the disease and its stage of development, and the actions of the patient.
Causes of finger joint pain
One of the factors that causes joint pain can be its mechanical damage: impact, dislocation, etc. v. Lesions are often accompanied by secondary signs such as swelling and redness. Pain in the joint of the injured arm is most severe with movement and subsides at complete rest.
The second most common cause is arthritis - an inflammation of the joints of the hands and other parts of the body. Arthritis pain accompanied by swelling of the hand in the affected area, redness of the skin, fever, or involvement of parts of the body other than the small joints of the fingers. In the later stages, arthritis manifests itself as deformity of the joints and consequent loss of the hands.
Arthritis is one of the most common causes of finger pain. With this disease, joint deformity is inevitable, and the development of symptoms occurs gradually on joints with a symmetrical position. In addition to pain, osteoarthritis is also characterized by numbness and stiffness of the affected areas. Most often, this disease develops in patients over the age of 50.
Pain in the fingers can also cause gout. Its typical symptoms are not only pain but also burning, redness of the epidermis, and joint adhesions of hands and feet.
It is believed that half of the world's population, aged more than 60 years, suffers from lesions and changes of varying severity in the small joints, which also applies to the hands.
Which doctor should I see?
Since pain in the joints of the fingers can be provoked by many different events, its treatment is carried out by different specialists: rheumatologists and traumatologists. As a rule, when contacting the clinic, patients with suspicion of joint pain factors are referred to the right doctor. The best solution in this situation is to see a chiropractor for a diagnosis and appropriate therapy.
Timely treatment contributes to the maximum speed of recovery. In addition, it is worth mentioning that diseases and injuries that cause joint pain lead to serious dangerous complications that cannot be prevented without medical intervention.
Osteoarthritis diagnosis to relieve pain in finger joints
As in the case of a routine clinic diagnosis, the first step in determining the cause of pain in the knuckles is to probe the patient. He should talk in detail with the chiropractor about when and under what circumstances the joints begin to hurt, whether the finger movements of the affected hand are particularly uncomfortable, whether a parent or loved one hashave a similar illness, etc. v.
At the next stages of disease detection, patients are examined visually and manually. As a rule, such an examination is sufficient, but in special cases X-rays may be required to obtain a more detailed picture of the disease.
Chiropractic treatment for finger pain
Since knuckle pain is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of it, treatment is primarily about eliminating its causes.
To reduce the intensity and end the pain in one or more joints, drug therapy in chiropractic is usually not used, because after one or two courses the pain will subside on its own without any medication. This is especially true in cases where the patient is for some reason unable to take a large amount of the drug.
During osteopathic procedures, rehabilitation will occur:
- Normal structure of the joint;
- Full movement of the hand without pain;
- Interaction of all tissues of the extremities, conditions for the functioning of joints;
- Proper and introspective blood circulation;
- Increase the level of resilience.
After the end of the course, the pain not only subsided and stopped, but also did not appear for a long time.
Complementary treatments for joint pain
In addition to chiropractic, therapists may recommend other methods of exposure for rehabilitation purposes. Adjusting the daily work and rest regime is a must for the patient. People with joint pain need rest and minimal physical work. If necessary, so that joint pain never recurs, you should change the type of occupational activity if it involves a constant load on the joint.
In rare cases, painful joints in the fingers require physical therapy, but as a rule, chiropractic sessions are enough to cure it.
What to do after an osteopathic treatment for a sore finger?
It should be remembered that for a long time, cured joints and hands in general need serious attention. Despite the fact that diseases that cause pain in the fingers and other parts of the body are completely neutralized after a course of osteopathic treatment, the patient's condition should be continuously monitored. Do not forget about the doctor's prescriptions, which must be strictly followed.
You can try folk recipes, but before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor. Among the expertly approved finger joint pain remedies:
- Chestnut tincture;
- Herbal preparations;
- Compress and lotion with apple cider vinegar;
- Infusion of mulberry fruit and leaves.
Special attention should be paid to the diet. When joints are painful, fatty foods, salt and hot spices should be excluded. In addition, when suffering from pain in the fingers and other injuries of joints and cartilage, it is necessary to give up alcohol and tobacco.
Prevention of finger diseases
To avoid any joint discomfort until old age, it is necessary to take timely preventive measures. The joints in the hands can be sore from frequent hypothermia, so you can't soak in ice water, especially for long periods of time. During the cold season, warm gloves should be worn.
An important role in the health of the joints is that a healthy diet, in moderation even after treatment, an active lifestyle is also important. However, the load should be moderate, otherwise it is easy to injure and new diseases of the fingers.
The joints of the hands need special massage in order to relax and heal the tissues. You should not ignore the advice of doctors about systematic walking in the fresh air, which is not only beneficial for bones and joints, but also good for the general physical condition of each person. The guarantee of excellent condition of the hands and their high performance is regular visits to an osteopathic physician for preventive examinations.